October 2011
The Herb for Cardiovascular Strength
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang and the Concept of Yin Fire Feature Formula: Shi Quan Da Bu Tang
Clinical TCM Application of Cough in UK TCM Advantage in Treatment of Chronic Cough
When using TCM therapies exactly, most of patients with cough can get well in a very short time... The most pervasive symptom of respiratory disease is coughing. Such diseases are customarily treated with antibiotics. In traditional Chinese Medicine, on the other hand, treatment is...
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SUN TEN Points of View on TCM Globalization
Vice chairman of Sun Ten stressed the importance of TCM globalization which is based on Scientific Harmonization of safety, quality and regulation of guidance, and Industry should focus on...
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Impact in Canada: TCM Rules to be Updated
The Canada government wants to be sure the laws on sales and prescription reflect current best medical practices. Right now, sales of medicines are regulated at the federal level, but in health care are governed by the provinces...
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Research- Bamboo Shavings For Treating Allergic Airway Disease
Bamboo Shavings (Zhu Ru) was known as traditional herbal medicine with anti-inflammatory property. In this study, it could against inflammation in lung tissue...
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Human Clinical Trial Review: American Ginseng and Asian Ginseng
In this review paper, a randomized and controlled clinical trial comparing North America and Asian ginseng extract to placebo and no treatment in healthy adults were included...
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September 2011
August 2011
July 2011
June 2011
Clinical Application of Classical Formulas
Ginseng Prevents Influenza
TCM Metabolomics Review
American and Asian Ginseng Comparison
TCM Treatment on Allergy
Formula Portfolios
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