Commonly Used Chinese Herb Formulas with Illustrations - Apricot Seed and Linum Formula (Ma Zi Ren Wan)
1117 麻子仁丸 (Ma Zi Ren Wan)
Apricot Seed and Linum Formula
Hemp Seed Pill
Chinese Name Pharmaceutical Name Pin Yin Name English Name 麻子仁 Fructus Cannabis Ma Zi Ren 大黃 Rhizoma Rhei Da Huang 芍藥 Radix Paeoniae alba Shao Yao 枳實 Fructus Aurantii immaturus Zhi Shi 厚朴 Cortex Magnoliae officinalis Hou Pu 杏仁 Semen Armeniacae amarum Xing Ren
【Classic Literature Reference】
Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Febrile Diseases, 206).
Compiler: Zhang, Zhong-jingo
Traditional: Dry heat in the Stomach and Intestine accompanied by insufficient body fluids marked by dry and hard stool, difficult bowel movement, frequent urination, a dry and yellow tongue coating, and a floating and hesitant pulse. This condition typically occurs in the elderly or in physically weak individuals who have dry skin and lack adequate body fluids.
Modern: Habitual constipation, constipation in the elderly, postpartum or post-surgical constipation, incomplete intestinal obstruction, and hemorrhoids.
Pattern of Downward Flow of Damp-Heat
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