Commonly Used Chinese Herb Formulas with Illustrations - Ma Huang and Apricot Seed Combination (Ma Xing Gan Shi Tang)
1118 麻杏甘石湯 (Ma Xing Gan Shi Tang)
Ma Huang & Apricot Seed Combination
Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Licorice, and Gypsum Decoction
Chinese Name |
Pharmaceutical Name |
Pin Yin Name |
English Name |
石膏 |
Gypsum Fibrosum |
Shi Gao |
麻黃 |
Herba Ephedrae |
Ma Huang |
杏仁 |
Semen Armeniacae amarum |
Xing Ren |
炙甘草 |
Radix Glycyrrhizae praeparata cum melle |
Zhi Gan Cao |
【Classic Literature Reference】
Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Febrile Diseases, 206).
Compiler: Zhang, Zhong-jingo
Traditional: Stagnant heat in the Lungs caused by either wind-cold or wind-heat marked by persistent fever; cough; rapid breathing; wheezing; nose pain; thirst, with or without perspiration; a thin, white or thin, yellow tongue coating; and a slippery and rapid pulse.
Modern: Common cold, pneumonia, acute bronchitis, bronchial asthma, sinusitis, pertussis, and urticaria.

Pattern of Stagnant Heat in the Lungs
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