Experience in TCM Treatment of Insomnia
Experience in TCM Treatment of Insomnia
Authors: Lawrence (Lung-Sheng) Hsiao, MD (China); Eric (Lung-Cheng) Hsiao, MD (China), PHD; Wen-Shuo Wu, MD (Taiwan), MSOM, MPH.
Southern California University of Health Sciences, College of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine.
Insomnia is a sleeping disorder that affects 1 in 10 Americans and around 50% of seniors. It is often more prevalent in women, these estimations have increased since September 11, 2005. Insomnia can affect not only energy level and mood, but also your health as well because sleep helps bolster your immune system. Insomnia is characterized by:
1. Difficulty in falling asleep;
2. Waking up frequently during the night with difficulty in returning to sleep;
3. Waking up too early in the morning;
4. Not refreshing sleep.
The patient has a low spirit, palpation, poor memory, and visceral function disorder, which seriously affect the patient's life and work. The following is an account of the authors' clinical experience in treating insomnia.
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* Articles Originally Published in SUN TEN Quarterly Newsletter Summer 2007