【不能不知的日常中藥】第一集:睡眠問題 Your Daily Health Problem: EP1-Sleeping Problems
一年的尾聲即將來臨! 您是正要放下一年的疲憊,想準備一覺睡到天邊去?還是您的年末地獄才剛開始,忙到一天只睡3小時,半夜驚醒3大回!? 如果您也有睡眠問題,或是處處放不下心,就來跟著小貝來看看中藥如何幫助我們一倒床就呼呼大睡,零副作用無負擔!
Sleeping is an inevitable problem among us. Some of us may take pills, but the others may concern about overdose. Is there a healthier way to improve our sleepless night? Check this video!
Sleeping is an inevitable problem among us. Some of us may take pills, but the others may concern about overdose. Is there a healthier way to improve our sleepless night? Check this video!
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